10 Longest Continuous Bike Paths in the World | PedalChef

Key Takeaways

  • Cycling connects you with nature and diverse cultures.
  • Epic bike trails offer hundreds of miles of continuous riding.
  • There's a grand route for every cycling aficionado out there.

Exploring the world on two wheels is an adventure like no other.

Seize the vibe as you cycle along some of the longest paths spanning continents.

Ever imagined pedaling across countries on paths laid out just for you and your bicycle?

It's not just a dream—there are bike trails that stretch for hundreds of miles, offering sights and challenges for every cycling enthusiast.

Trust us, we know a thing or two about epic bike rides.

With the wind at your back, you'll glide along rivers, through forests, and even across entire countries.

We're here to guide you through the grandest travels on a bike, from majestic mountain routes to serene riverside trails.

Each path promises a unique journey, whether it's the epic Great Divide in the USA or the poetic Danube Cycle Path in Europe.



The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, USA

Have you ever felt the itch for an adventure that tests your endurance and offers jaw-dropping vistas?

Then gear up for the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route (GDMBR).

Stretching for over 2,700 miles, this epic journey is a siren call for cyclists seeking the ultimate off-road experience.

Picture yourself pedaling across the sprawling landscapes of the Continental Divide, where each turn brings a new horizon.

Your route is primarily unpaved, with only about 30% of it kissed by asphalt.

Get ready to crunch over:

  • Quality dirt roads
  • Gravel
  • Mountain trails

Imagine the thrill as you tackle the terrain that varies from forgiving forest paths to stretches where you might just have to push your trusty bike alongside.

This route isn't just cycling; it's a full-body adventure.

  • Starting Point: Southern Canada
  • Finish Line: The U.S. border with Mexico
  • Terrain: A blend that includes forest paths and gravel roads

Don't think this is just a summer fling either—depending on your pace, the GDMBR could be a relationship that lasts anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months.

Imagine the stories you'll tell after such an epic journey!

Wondering if you're up to the challenge?

Here's a fun fact: the GDMBR is regarded by many as the birthplace of bikepacking.

If you're the kind to pack your panniers with dreams and pedal into the horizon, the Great Divide awaits you.

Just remember, with its remote character and significant distance, this route demands respect.

Plan wisely, and you might just find yourself among the elite few who can boast about conquering the longest off-pavement cycle route in the world.

Are you ready to ride into the record books?

D-Route 7 / Rhine Cycle Route, Germany

Have you ever dreamed of cycling through the heart of Europe, tracing the waters of the legendary Rhine?

D-Route 7 offers just that—a 765-mile journey that connects the rustic charm of the Swiss Alps with the breeze of the North Sea.

Imagine pedaling through varied landscapes, rolling along mostly flat cycle paths.

This route is not only long but also steeped in history and natural beauty.

Whether you're a long-distance cycling enthusiast or a weekend adventurer, here's why you should consider making D-Route 7 your next big ride:

  • Countries on Path: Germany, with extensions across Europe.
  • Scenic Spots: Enthralling low mountain ranges, serene moorlands, bustling city views of Hamburg, and the picturesque northern stretches of Schleswig-Holstein.

This cycling adventure is neatly packaged into manageable stages.

With your bike as your companion, you can explore:

  • 16 Stages: These divisions allow you to experience the route in sections, perfect for planning rest days to soak in the local culture.

What's not to love about a route that combines fitness, exploration, and stunning vistas?

  • EuroVelo Connection: The path is part of the greater EuroVelo network, specifically EuroVelo 15, fondly known as the Rhine Cycle Route.

Did you know that the D-Route 7 is a piece of an even bigger puzzle?

It merges into the EuroVelo EV3, a trans-European pilgrimage stretching from Norway to Spain.

So, why not check the air in your tires, gear up with some essentials, and embark on a cycling quest that promises both an invigorating ride and a panoramic European experience?

Grab your helmet and let the Rhine guide you through Germany on two wheels—you're in for a memorable trip!

EuroVelo 6 - Atlantic-Black Sea, Europe

Ever fancied a biking journey that truly spans the breadth of Europe?

Well then, buckle up your helmet and gear up for EuroVelo 6, one of cycling tourism's crown jewels.

Imagine rolling from the gentle waves of the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the historical depths of the Black Sea.

Sound epic, right?

  • Start: Nantes, France
  • End: Constanta, Romania
  • Distance: Approximately 2,450 miles

Route Highlights

EuroVelo 6 isn't just lengthy; it's a scenic masterpiece woven with cultural tapestry:

  • France: Start by meandering along the regal Loire River with castles dotting the banks—a real-life fairy tale!
  • Germany and Austria: Next, cruise the bends along the Danube, waltzing through vineyards and historic cities.
  • Eastern Europe: As you head east, you're tracing the lifeline of the continent; witness rural life and evolving landscapes.

Traveler Tips

If you're thinking, "Is all that distance doable?" Absolutely!

The route boasts top-notch infrastructure:

  1. Dedicated Bike Paths: Smooth riding without the hustle of traffic.
  2. Flat Topography: Keep those calves happy with a friendly terrain.
  3. Facilities: Abundant, whether you need a quick snack or a bike tune-up.

From UNESCO World Heritage sites to sipping local wines, you'll have stories galore.

The trail is well-signed, so you're not going to get lost—unless getting lost in the experience counts!

Now, how about them wheels?

Ready to roll across an entire continent?

The Grand Illinois Trail, USA

Have you ever dreamt of cycling through picturesque landscapes without the worry of having to turn back any time soon?

Well, The Grand Illinois Trail might just be your dream come true!

This extensive bike path loops an impressive 535 miles, making it a haven for cyclists who yearn for long-distance adventure.

Imagine riding from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River, experiencing the sheer variety of Illinois.

You'll traverse through vibrant communities, serene natural areas, and historic sites that tell the tale of the heartland.

The trail comprises:

  • Approximately 200 miles of paved township and county roads
  • The remainder on limestone trails and other surfaces

What's your trail preference?

Whether you enjoy the smoothness of paved paths or the earthy feel of limestone, the Grand Illinois Trail doesn’t disappoint.

Not just for the seasoned cyclists, this trail is a patchwork of interconnected trails, which means you can hop on and off wherever you like.

Take a moment to enjoy the view or push your limits to see how far you can go—after all, you set your pace.

Here are a few highlights along the way:

  • Historic canals: Perfect spots for history buffs!
  • Unspoilt hills: For when you need that uphill challenge
  • Rock and Fox Rivers: Let the relaxing flow of water be your ride's soundtrack

What's next on your biking bucket list?

If the Grand Illinois Trail isn’t there yet, it's waiting for you to grab your bike and start pedaling.

Happy cycling!

The Greenway Cycle Path, Lithuania to Poland

Have you ever wanted to cycle through picturesque European landscapes?

Well, let's take a ride along the Greenway Cycle Path, an integral part of the EuroVelo route 2.

Imagine starting at the Baltic Sea, with the scent of briny air and the sound of waves, and embarking on a journey that stretches all the way to the vibrant heart of Moscow.

Distance and Scenery:

  • Approximate Length: 2,000 miles
  • Starting Point: Baltic Sea
  • Ending Point: Moscow

This cycling marvel takes you through a dynamic blend of natural wonders and cultural sites.

Along the route, you journey from the coastal splendor of Lithuania, through the lush landscapes of Poland, and onwards towards the grandiosity of Russia's capital.

Highlights include:

  • Lithuania's enchanting coastlines
  • Poland's historical paths and national parks
  • Encounters with diverse wildlife

Remember, although the path may feel endless, you're traversing some of Europe's most breath-taking terrains; it's not just about the destination, but the incredible experiences along the way.

You'll surely come across fellow cyclists, delight in local cuisines, and maybe even pick up a few phrases in different languages!

What do you need:

  • A trusty bike and the spirit for adventure.
  • Prepare for various weather conditions; pack smart!
  • Ensure your camera is charged — you'll want to capture the memories.

Whether you're a weekend warrior looking for a new challenge or a long-distance cycling enthusiast aiming to check off a bucket list adventure, the Greenway Cycle Path is your ticket to an unforgettable journey.

So, are you ready to pedal your way through this epic tale of nature and culture?

The Danube Cycle Path, Europe

Have you ever fantasized about cycling through the heart of Europe, with history and nature as your companions?

Well, strap on your helmet because your dream ride exists along the Danube Cycle Path!

Imagine pedaling over 1,800 miles, starting from Germany's Black Forest to the Black Sea.

Now, that's a true test of endurance, but don't worry, you don't have to do it all at once.

This well-loved path, known by bike enthusiasts as Donauradweg, offers diverse itineraries fit for cyclists of any level.

Why is this route a gem?

The path weaves through energetic capital cities such as:

  • Vienna
  • Bratislava
  • Budapest
  • Belgrade

Not just cities, but you'll also encounter delightful villages and towns, each with their unique character and stories.

And the views?

Prepare to be awed at spots like the Danube Bend and Wachau Valley!

If you prefer to avoid crowds, aim to embark on your two-wheeled adventure before the end of June, or during September or October.

Passau to Vienna is notably popular and gets quite lively in July and August.

Curious about the logistics?

Here's a quick breakdown:

  • Most Popular Section: Passau to Vienna
  • Annual Cyclists Count: Up to 600,000
  • Difficulty: Mostly flat terrain, family-friendly

And if you're in a hurry, don't fret.

You can choose the length of your journey.

A short but sweet example is the 25 km ride from Melk to St.

Pölten—perfect for a day trip!

So, why not explore the Danube Cycle Path this year?

It's an adventure that promises pedal-worthy panoramas and a fulfilling way to experience the richness of Europe, all at the pace of your pedaling.

Pack your bags, check your gears, and get ready for an unforgettable ride!

The Friendship Highway, China

Ever dreamed of biking with the rooftop of the world as your backdrop?

Your dream could become a reality on The Friendship Highway in China.

This isn't just any bike route; it's an epic journey that stretches over 500 miles and connects the vibrant Tibetan capital, Lhasa, with the Sino-Nepal Friendship Bridge at the China-Nepal border.

Imagine yourself pedaling across high mountain passes, with each turn providing a postcard-worthy view.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Length: Over 500 miles
  • Starting Point: Lhasa, Tibet
  • Ending Point: Sino-Nepal Friendship Bridge, Nepal-China border
  • Max Elevation: An impressive 16,400 feet

You'll be tackling the challenge of three mountain passes that soar up to heights where the air is crisp and the sky seems close enough to touch.

Key Highlights:

  • Scenic Views: Snow-capped mountains, including a glimpse of Mount Everest, on a clear day.
  • Cultural Richness: Ride by ancient Tibetan temples and monasteries, a treat for both your spirit and senses.

Ready for an adventure?

Pack your gear, prep for altitude and embark on this journey of a lifetime.

It's not just about the destination, but the incredible memories you'll create along this beautifully demanding path.

Remember, cycling the Friendship Highway requires good physical conditioning, preparation for high altitude, and a sense of adventure.

Are you up for the challenge?

The Route Verte, Canada

Have you ever dreamed of cycling through the heart of the Canadian wilderness, exploring quaint towns and mesmerizing scenic routes all on two wheels?

If so, the Route Verte is your ideal adventure.

It's not just any trail; it's a 3,000-mile journey that weaves through the beautiful province of Quebec.

Imagine pedaling alongside rivers, lakes, and even fjords.

This isn't your neighborhood bike path; it's a well-signposted, connected oasis for cyclists, with segments that offer a variety of experiences, from leisurely rides to more challenging treks.

Whether you're looking for a day trip or a multi-week excursion, the Route Verte has got you covered.

Quick Facts:

  • Start/End: Extends across Quebec, connecting to Ontario, New Brunswick, and the U.S.
  • Length: Over 5,000 kilometers as of the last count.
  • Established: Officially inaugurated on August 10, 2007.

From urban explorations in Montreal to secluded paths, this network includes a fine mix of dedicated bike trails and shared roads.

A reliable bike, a trusty helmet, and a thirst for adventure are your key companions here.

Remember to pick a bike suited for long-distance comfort and diverse terrains— perhaps a snazzy hybrid or a sturdy touring model.

And don't forget your helmet!

Safety should always be your wingman on such exhilarating journeys.

Isn't this one for the bucket list?

Picture yourself there: the breeze on your face, the hum of nature around you, and the open Quebecois road beneath your wheels.

Now, who's ready to ride the Route Verte?

The National Cycle Network, UK

Ever dreamt of cycling through picturesque landscapes and quaint villages without dodging traffic?

Well, the UK's National Cycle Network might just be your pedal-powered fantasy come true!

This isn't a single path stretching from point A to B but a spiderweb of tracks spanning over 14,000 miles.

Can you believe it?

That's like cycling halfway around the world!

  • Miles of adventure: The Network weaves across the entire country, linking villages, towns, and cities. Whether it's a serene countryside ride or a cityscape cruise, there's a path just waiting for your two wheels.
  • Safety first: With traffic-free paths and quiet roads, even the most hesitant of cyclists can pedal with ease.
  • Community Spirit: Tell me, when was the last time you saw a network maintained by both staff and dedicated volunteers? It's not just about the ride, it's about the love and care poured into maintaining these paths for everyone to enjoy.

This immense network was possible thanks to the initial push from a National Lottery Grant and the collective support of various landowners.

Remember, while Sustrans oversees the network, those owning the land are the real caretakers of their individual sections.

Key Components of the National Cycle Network
Over 14,000 miles of paths and routes
Traffic-free safety
Nearly 5 million users yearly
Community-driven maintenance and improvement

Next time you're in the UK and fancy a cycle, you've got practically unlimited options.

Whether it's a quick morning ride or an epic cross-country journey, grab your helmet, pump those tires, and embark on an adventure across the National Cycle Network!

Perth to Brisbane, Australia

Hey there, adventurer!

Did you know you've got an epic journey waiting for you right in Australia?

Imagine, you're pedaling comfortably along a path stretching for nearly 2,500 miles—yes, you heard it right!

The ride from Perth to Brisbane isn't your average weekend cycle; it's part of the hefty National Cycling Strategy that has stitched together a series of connected routes for your riding pleasure.

What's up with this corridor?

It's simple: it offers you the chance to traverse a large swath of the country on two wheels, soaking in all that varied scenery and good ol' fresh air.

This isn't just a bike path; it's a slice of cycling heaven that meanders through bustling cities, quiet towns, and the untouched wilderness of Australia.

Here's what you might want to jot down about this route:

  • Starting Point: Perth
  • Ending Point: Brisbane
  • Distance: Nearly 2,500 miles
  • Experience: Mix of urban and natural landscapes

Before you set your wheels spinning, remember to plan accordingly.

As inviting as it may sound to jump on your bike and go, this ride is a serious undertaking.

You'll want to prep your gear, sort out the spots you'll rest your head at night, and maybe even find some fellow cyclists to share the journey.

And a friendly tip: don't forget to service your bike!

The last thing you want is a pesky puncture spoiling your monumental ride.

Safe travels, and enjoy the journey that awaits you from Perth to Brisbane — it's a true testament to Australia's dedication to cycling!