The 10 Most Influential Bike Bloggers to Follow | PedalChef

Key Takeaways

  • Influential bike bloggers offer more than just cycling tips.
  • Their blogs are a mix of personal journey and industry insight.
  • Following them connects you with the broader cycling community.

Ever wondered who the pedal powerhouses of the blogosphere are?

As the sun rises on a new day, somewhere a bike blogger is already drafting their latest post.

With so much content out there, it's pivotal to know who genuinely pedals influence in the cycling community.

Whether you're a seasoned rider or just cycling-curious, keeping track with these trendsetting bike bloggers can fuel your passion and knowledge.

Trust us, you don't want to miss the insights and stories these biking aficionados bring to the table.

They're not just about the best gears and the most scenic routes; their takes on cycling culture and advocacy have earned them a dedicated following, and their hands-on experiences make them authorities in a world on two wheels.



Bike Snob NYC

Ever find yourself thinking about the intertwining cultures of cycling while adjusting your helmet?

Meet your next favorite read: Bike Snob NYC.

Since 2007, this blog has been a cycling aficionado's treasure trove, overflowing with sizzling hot takes on everything two-wheeled.

Curious who's behind the wise-cracking wit?

It's Eben Weiss, the once-mysterious figure who pedaled into the public eye right before dropping his first book in 2010.

What's he known for?

Oh, just sharp insights and a knack for deflating the pompous cycling bubbles of the day.

His posts?

A daily delight that digs into:

  • The urban cycling scene (yes, those fixie fads included)
  • Behind-the-handlebars views of the bike industry
  • Race critiques that might just make you spit out your sports drink

If your handlebars could talk, they'd tell you to follow Weiss.


Because Bike Snob NYC isn't just funny, it's a look under the hood—or should we say under the saddle—of cycling's highs and lows.

Do you think New York's transit nerds and policy buffs get excited for city plans?

Imagine that, but every time you click into Bike Snob NYC's blog feed.

Want a little more proof of influence?

Picture this: a blog, birthed in the golden era of cycling's come back, drawing readers like spokes to a hub.

Still need convincing?

Give it a read and watch the epiphanies pop like wheelies at a bike parade.

No fluff, just the chain-oil truth for your cycling soul.

DC Rainmaker

Have you ever found yourself wading through review after review, just trying to get the real scoop on the latest cycling tech?

Well, let me introduce you to your new best friend in the world of bike blogging: Ray Maker, aka DC Rainmaker.

This guy doesn't shy away from the nitty-gritty.

Imagine having a chat with that friend who gives you all the deets: which GPS devices will keep you on track without leading you off a cliff, or which power meters won't bail on you mid-sprint.

Ray's your guy.

His blog posts are like treasure maps, guiding you to the best gear and avoiding the duds.

Here's what you'll get from his insights:

  • Thorough reviews: We're talking about the kind of detail that leaves no stone unturned.
  • Candid insights: If there's a flaw, Ray's going to tell you about it – no sugar-coating here!
  • Up-to-date deals: Who doesn't love a good sale? Ray's on it, giving you the heads up on all the latest bargains.

And you might want to bookmark his blog because this man knows when to drop the knowledge bombs.

You saw those price hikes on Zwift subscriptions?

Ray was on top of it.

Strava updates or the shiny new COROS Dura Bike Computer, he's got quick thoughts and deep dives.

So, keep your cycling game strong and your gear knowledge stronger.

Flick through DC Rainmaker's blog and equip yourself with the info you need.

He's not just a reviewer; he's an influencer, a wealth of knowledge, and perhaps, the tech-savvy cyclist's best companion on the digital road.

The Inner Ring

Ever find yourself wondering where the hardcore cycling aficionados hang out online?

The Inner Ring might just be the digital peloton you're looking for.

Curious about what makes this blog so special?

Well, it's packed to the brim with pro cycling news, expert commentary, and the kind of race analyses that can have you feeling like a cycling strategist in no time.

Did you catch that epic showdown between Primož Roglič and Remco Evenepoel that was mentioned in the snippet from

This is the level of detail you get with The Inner Ring.

It's like getting a ringside seat to the strategies and struggles defining professional cycling today.

And when you're looking for more than just who won the latest race, this blog melts into the perfect fusion of opinion and tactical dissections.

  • Why follow? Get the lowdown on the big races with perspectives that go beyond mainstream media.
  • What's unique? The intriguing takes and focus on under-reported aspects of the sport.

On June 1, 2024, right before the Tour de France, The Inner Ring was already spinning a tale of mystery around rider forms and high-altitude training results.

If you're thirsty for such juicy bits of cycle sport, then bookmarking is a no-brainer.

Remember, this isn't just any blog.

It's a community, a place where cycling talk isn't just encouraged – it's expected.

Who needs roadside banners when you've got in-depth commentary a click away?

Want to get your gears grinding on the nitty-gritty of cycle sport?

You know where to turn!

Biking in LA

Hey there, fellow pedal-pusher!

Ever wonder what it's like to cycle in the land of sun and stars?

You're in luck because Los Angeles is a bikers' paradise with a scene that's as vibrant as its sunsets.

With the weather almost always on your side, you can explore a multitude of routes full of thrills and views that just don't quit.

Got a taste for adventure?

Hit up the Malibu Canyons for a ride that'll make your heart sing as much as your legs burn.

Imagine cruising up a 700 ft climb with a gorgeous 7% grade and then zooming down a straight descent at a breezy 35-40 mph.

Here are some quick stats:

  1. Topanga Canyon
  1. Climb: 700 feet
  2. Distance: 3.8 miles

Itching for some local knowledge?

Ted Rogers is your go-to guy.

He's not just another blogger; he's a cycling sage of the City of Angels.

Rogers lights up the way with insights on bike-related legislation, safety, and events that only someone with his passion can provide.

Curious about advocacy or bike laws?

Want the scoop on the best local rides?

Ted's blog is where you'll find all the deets.

Don't forget to keep up with some of the rock stars of biking bloggers for fresh perspectives and cycling tips that'll up your game.

With their wisdom, you'll steer clear of traffic snarls and know all the secret spots where the riding is smooth and the views... well, they're just LA-mazing!

So, what are you waiting for?

Saddle up, and let's see what stories your bike will tell about LA's streets and peaks.

Remember, every ride's a new adventure, and you're just one pedal away from the next great one!

Lovely Bicycle!

Ever stumbled upon a blog that feels like a cozy chat with a friend about bikes—and life?

That's Lovely Bicycle! for you.

Curious about the person behind the handlebars of this blog?

Meet Velouria, a passionate aficionado of all things cycling.

Whether you're into the timeless charm of vintage road bikes or the sleek efficiency of modern commuters, she's got you covered!

Wondering what you might find on a single scroll through Lovely Bicycle!?

Let's break it down:

  • Personal Experiences: Velouria isn't just about specs and speed. She tells stories. Each post brims with personal anecdotes that resonate with everyday riders like you and me.
  • Diverse Bike Reviews: From the steel-framed beauties of yesteryear to the latest carbon-fiber creations, Velouria reviews them with a keen eye for detail and a clear love for the ride.
  • Cycling Culture: It's a whole vibe, isn't it? With Velouria, you dive deep into the eclectic and ever-evolving world of cycling culture.

Her friendly tone makes you feel like you're having a laid-back conversation over a cup of coffee—except the topic is always bicycles.

You might chuckle, nod in agreement, or have an "aha!" moment with each post.

Now, I won't keep you any longer because I bet you're eager to check out Lovely Bicycle! for yourself.

Go ahead, give it a click, and see why Velouria's musings are the talk of the town.

Who knows, you might just discover your new favorite spot on the cycling web!

Red Kite Prayer

Have you ever caught that moment in a race, that intense second when the lead cyclist throws a hopeful glance back and whispers a wish to the winds?

That's what Red Kite Prayer is all about.

Imagine sitting down with a group of cycling veterans and journalists, all sharing their insider stories—yes, that's the treat you get when you dive into this blog.

The name itself, Red Kite Prayer, comes from that final, suspense-filled kilometer in a cyclist's journey.

It's the kind of thing that even non-cyclists can feel the passion behind.

Not just a blog, RKP brings to you:

  • Personal cycling anecdotes: Ever wonder what goes through a cyclist's mind during a race? Indulge in first-person narratives that put you right in the saddle.
  • Gear Reviews: Searching for honest opinions on the latest bike gear? RKP serves up detailed reviews to keep your ride smooth.
  • Cycling News: Stay in the loop with updates from the cycling world, penned by those who know it inside out.

With its friendly tone and quippy style, it's no surprise that Red Kite Prayer has become the hangout spot for those who bleed spokes and sprockets.

It's not just about the wins and the sprints; it's the soul of cycling served on a digital platter.

Whether you're new to the scene or you've been riding since training wheels were your nemesis, RKP has something for you.

Did we mention the range of voices you'll find here?

From ex-racers to industry insiders, each post is a ride through someone else's eyes.

So, why not gear up, click through, and join the peloton of readers eagerly devouring RKP's latest offerings?

Your next cycling adventure awaits!

Fat Cyclist

Hey, you ever heard about Elden "Fatty" Nelson?

If the answer is no, prepare to get your wheels spinning!

Fatty's the guy behind the Fat Cyclist blog.

Don't let the name fool you — he's all about embracing cycling, no matter your shape or size.

It's not every day you stumble across a blog that mixes belly laughs with hardcore cycling insight, right?

With a dollop of humor and a dash of real-life struggles, Elden keeps it real and relatable.

  • Authenticity? Check!
  • Inspiration? Tons of it!
  • Laughs? Oh, you bet!

This isn't just another 'look at me' cycling blog.

Elden weaves personal anecdotes with race reports, offering a slice of his life on two wheels.

Whether it's a sunny ride or a grueling climb, you're along for the ride, with stories that'll have you nodding along as if you’re the one in the saddle.

And if you're thinking, "I need numbers and stats!" then hold onto your handlebars because Fatty delivers.

Thousands of miles ridden and nearly a decade of blogging means he isn't just blowing hot air.

His experiences are bona fide, from the thrill of the descent to the nitty-gritty of navigating life's ups and downs, much like those hilly terrains.

So, why follow Fat Cyclist?

  • To share the journey of a fellow bike enthusiast (hint: that's Fatty).
  • To get your regular fix of motivation with a side of chuckles.
  • To connect with a community that knows cycling is for everyone.

Elden's blog is your go-to pit stop for stories that resonate and advice that sticks.

You up for it?

Get ready to pedal into the world of Fat Cyclist and don't forget to bring your sense of humor — you'll need it!


Have you heard about BikePortland?

Whether you're a dedicated cyclist or simply bike-curious in Portland, this blog by Jonathan Maus is your go-to source.

Wondering what's new in local bike lanes or the scoop on cycling events?

BikePortland has it all.

What Can You Expect?

  • Up-to-date news and advocacy: Never miss out on what's happening in Portland’s cycling scene.
  • Insight into bicycle-related policy changes: Stay informed about what's brewing in legislation that impacts your daily ride.
  • Community-centered content: because cycling is about the people, right?

Fun Facts:

  • Started in 2005: That's years of pedal power under its belt!
  • The man behind it: Jonathan Maus, a basketball-loving North Portland father of three, who's also a car owner and driver. Talk about understanding all sides of the road!
  • Full-time focus: Since 2007, with a passion for cycling that turned full professional commitment.

Now, why should you bookmark BikePortland?

First off, if you’re looking to connect with a likeminded community, Jonathan is your guy.

The blog is funded by individual subscribers and advertisers.

This means it’s a hub for an engaged community that cares about sustainable transportation and active lifestyles.

Got a question or feedback?

You’re encouraged to reach out.

Whether it’s through Twitter @jonathan_maus, email, or even a phone/text at 503-706-8804, your thoughts are welcome.

After all, what’s a community without conversation?

Remember, Portland's vibrant bike culture isn't just a fad; it's a lifestyle.

BikePortland is where you stay in the loop and perhaps find a little inspiration for your next two-wheeled adventure.

Ready to join the ride?

Cycling Tips

Hey, you!

Ready to elevate your cycling game with some savvy advice?

Grab your helmet and let's dive in!


Safety First: Stay bright, day or night!

Rock those fluorescent gears and blinking lights because being seen is being safe.

Don't forget your trusty helmet—it's your best pal for protecting that noggin.


Maintenance Matters: Keep your bike in tip-top shape with regular check-ups.

A well-oiled chain and pumped-up tires can make pedaling a breeze.

  • Quick Check: Before rides, do the ABC Quick Check - Air, Brakes, Chain. It’s a lifesaver!


Gear Up Smart: Your comfort's key, so invest in a good pair of shorts with padding (trust me, your behind will thank you) and a jersey that whisks away sweat.

Oh, and pockets!

You'll want those for snacks.

  1. Essential Kit:
  1. Padded shorts
  2. Wicking jersey
  3. Gloves
  4. Weather-appropriate attire


Hydration Station: Water's your best friend on the road.

Keep sipping and, on longer treks, toss in an electrolyte tablet to stay charged.

  • Tip: Aim for a bottle every hour. More if it's scorching!


Fuel the Engine: Chow down on energy bars or bananas for that extra oomph.

Remember, eating before you're famished keeps the dreaded bonk at bay.


Ride with the Pack: Find a local group to cycle with.

It's fun, social, and hey, drafting behind someone else saves energy.


Train Intelligently: Mix it up with intervals, long rides, and hill climbs.

Keeping a variety introduces different challenges and keeps your muscles guessing.


Know the Rules: Brush up on traffic laws; your bike's a vehicle too.

Signals, lane positioning, and eye contact with drivers make a big difference.

Remember, every pedal stroke is a step toward mastering the craft.

Keep at it, and happy cycling!

The Path Less Pedaled

Have you ever dreamed of selling everything to explore the world on two wheels?

Russ Roca and Laura Crawford lived that dream.

In 2009, they waved goodbye to a traditional lifestyle and pedaled into an adventure that took them over 15,000 miles across the U.S. and New Zealand.

But why should you follow them?

Tips & Tricks: Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting, the content on The Path Less Pedaled is a goldmine.

They cover everything from how to pack your bike to finding the perfect route.

Gear Reviews: Wondering which bike will carry you comfortably for miles?

Russ and Laura provide real-world reviews on gear they've tested on roads less traveled.

Get the inside scoop on what works, what doesn't, and what's worth every penny.

Photography: One word: stunning.

The duo doesn't just tell you about their travels; they show you.

Their blog acts as a window to the world they're exploring, and trust me, you don't want to miss a single post.

Inspiration: Their journey might just spark your own.

Knowing that they've journeyed so far can ignite the wanderlust in anyone.

Who knows, maybe you'll be the next to hit the less pedaled path?

Check them out for a hearty dose of inspiration, practical advice, and to join a community that believes in traveling at the pace of discovery.

Whether it's a ride around the block or an expedition across continents, The Path Less Pedaled is your friendly guide to bike-laden bliss.

So, are you ready to grab life by the handlebars?